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World Wildlife Day

Updated: May 18, 2023

Earth is our home and also the home of all the living organisms we know. In this home, we depend on each other to survive not only for food but also for the air we breathe.

Unfortunately, humans are not always kind neighbors. Our selfish behaviors lead to extinctions and imbalances in our ecosystems making the earth a harsh place for so many species.

As a consequence, the 3rd of March was proclaimed as World Wildlife Day not only to celebrate but also to raise awareness of the world’s wild animals and plants.

Our duty to mother nature is to use the best of our knowledge to conserve, protect, restore, and above all to respect the environments around us and this is the only way we can build/rebuild our home so it can sustain all forms of life.

This year 2022 we all are celebrating biodiversity (wild fauna and flora).

Our well-being starts in them

Europe is making incredible work to establishing protected areas mainly by the adoption and implementation of the EU Habitats Directive, being the world leader in this matter. However, despite the efforts biodiversity is still declining at alarming rates showing that the measures taken are not enough.

What can I do:

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