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What can be found in your cells?

Updated: May 18, 2023

Every single one of us is made up by cells.

But do you know how are they composed?

1. Cell membrane

The boundary between the interior of cells and the outside environment (extracellular matrix).

Composed by a phospholipid bilayer with cholesterols.

Within the membrane there is a variety of biological molecules such as proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.

FUNCTIONS: Controlling the movement of substances in (endocytosis) and out (exocytosis) of cells and organelles;

Selective permeability to ions and organic molecules;

Cell signalling and adhesion.

2. Nucleus

3. Cytoplasm

4. Ribosomes

5. Endoplasmatic reticulum (ER)

6. Mitochondria

7. Golgi Apparatus

8. Vacuoles

9. Vesicles

10. Centrosomes

11. Cytoskeleton

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