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Waardenburg Syndrome

Waardenburg syndrome was fully described by Petrus Johannes Waardenburg (1886 – 1979) a Dutch ophthalmologist and geneticist.

Fig. 1 Petrus Johannes Waardenburg

Waardenburg syndrome is a genetic autosomal disorder characterised by the presence of mutations in genes responsible for the formation of the neural crest during embryonic development.

The majority of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and several non-neuronal cell types, such as smooth muscle cells of the cardiovascular system, pigment cells in the skin, and craniofacial bones, cartilage, and connective tissue, are all derived from the transient embryonic structure known as the neural crest in vertebrates.

Waardenbrg syndrome has many types that present slight changes between them, but some characteristics are present among all such as:

  • Congenital hearing loss

  • Pigmentation deficiency (eyes, hair, skin)

Fig. 2 Main features

Waardenburg syndrome may be diagnosed at birth or in early childhood.

So far 4 types had been described and many subtypes accordingly with the mutated gene.

Fig. 3 Types and subtypes according to the affected gene and location.


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