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Mitochondrial DNA

Updated: May 18, 2023

Mitochondrial DNA also known as mtDNA or mDNA is a small circular chromosome found inside mitochondria, a cellular organelle converts chemical energy from food into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) a form of energy that can be used by the cells.

Human mitochondrial DNA was the first significant part of the human genome to be sequenced revealing the presence of 16,569 base pairs and encoding 13 proteins.

mtDNA evolves faster than nuclear genetic markers and represents a mainstay of phylogenetics and evolutionary biology.

In most multicellular organisms, mtDNA is inherited from the mother (maternally inherited). Mitochondrial inheritance is therefore non-Mendelian (presumes that half the genetic material of a fertilized egg (zygote) derives from each parent).

Problem with this inheritance:


Recently, a mutation in mtDNA has been used to help diagnose prostate cancer in patients with negative prostate biopsy.


Wikipedia Contributors. (2021, October 14). Human mitochondrial genetics. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.

‌Khan Academy. (2022).

‌to, C. (2002, September 23). DNA located in organelles called mitochondria.; Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

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