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International Forest Day

Updated: May 18, 2023

Forests = trees + plants + animals

Forests cover 31% of the global land area.

There are 3 major types of forests:


  • Located between 50º and 60º latitude

  • Animals are specially adapted to cope with extremely cold temperatures (-30º C ) and low resource availability

  • Important storers of carbon


  • Located at mid-latitudes - four seasons

  • Many trees like oaks drop their leaves and become dormant in the winter and also during the falling

  • Many endangered species can be found in these forests


  • Located between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn

  • One of the most biodiverse ecosystems which enables efficient nutrient processing

  • As organic matter is rapidly decomposed and almost instantly absorbed by organisms the soils are usually poor in nutrients. Consequently the trees have adapted a shallow but long root system so they can cover a larger area to obtain the necessary nutrients for them

Over 90 % of people that live in poverty are dependent on forests. Plus, people that live within forests rely on what they offer such as food, medicine and even jobs.

Nowadays, climate change, species extinctions and many more Earth issues have been discussed around the world. These also include forests. We might not be aware but we depend on forests, we need them to breathe some fresh air. We need them to avoid extinction as they are one of the major biodiverse ecosystems.

Forest conservation is more than needed!


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